Using MLTF at ACCRE is a straightforward process. We can quickly demonstrate the framework on a single CPU with the instructions below. The tutorials page will expand on this quickstart to demonstrate how to connect and train with GPUs
Environment Setup
The first part of any training is to set up a Python environment, and to do that, we should first load a more up-to-date version of Python than what comes with operating system. At ACCRE, we can load Python 3.10 via lmod:
module load GCCcore/.11.3.0 Python/3.10.4
Alternately, arbitrary versions of Python can be loaded via pyenv, if you first load pyenv via lmod:
module load pyenv
Once Python is loaded, you can then create a virtual environment:
python3.10 -m venv quickstart
With the virtual environment created, you can then activate the environment by executing:
source quickstart/bin/activate
Python’s virtual environments are a key part of reproducibility, providing separate and isolated locations to install packages for each project. Once a virtual environment is activated, we can use the pip package manager to install packages to it. We can now upgrade pip, and install scikit-learn
and pandas
to our environment:
pip install --upgrade pip wheel
pip install scikit-learn pandas
To access the MLflow functionality incorporated at ACCRE, the following packages must be installed as well. Note that pip allows you to specify the exact version of a package to install (instead of choosing the latest).
pip install mlflow==2.9.2 mlflow-token
Note, if you decide to later connect in a new terminal, you will need to both load the Python modules and then re-activate the environment. All your installed packaged remain persistently, so you do not need to re-run pip again.
The environment above will remain permenantly if you log on and off. To access MLTF, there are a couple configuration values that need to be set in your terminal.
First, the appropriate MLFlow server URL must me set. This URL is both used by training jobs to upload their outputs as well as provides a web interface for you to examine any stored outputs and metrics.
export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=https://mlflow-test.mltf.k8s.accre.vanderbilt.edu
Second, in order for the training job to upload outputs, your command line needs to be logged into the MLFlow server. From within the virtual environment, you can log in by executing
export $(mlflow-token)
The mlflow-token
command will return a login page, which you can connect with your ACCRE credentials. These tokens last for 24 hours by default, so it’s necessary to periodically re-renew them.
Training a Model
Once necessary modules and packages are in place, one can train with custom worflows and python code as usual.
It is recommended to use MLflow’s functionality in your training workflow, which facilitates MLTF’s goal of providing scalability and reproducibility by tracking model metrics, saving model parameters and attributes, and facilitating deployment when the time comes. We provide a tracking server to host MLflow run data. Automatic MLflow tracking is available in many popular ML training frameworks, such as Sci-kit Learn, TernsorFlow (via Keras), and Pytoch (via Lightning), and can be easily implemented by incorporating the following into your Python code:
import mlflow
It is worth noting that autolog()
is designed to function when training with standard-practice methods and modules, and updated versions in each framework. More information on autolog()
can be found here. For custom environments with custom usage and package versions, a better option is to implement custom MLflow tracking. Examples of custom MLflow tracking implementations can be seen in the Tutorials section.
Accessing MLflow Run Information
Upon successfully training and logging a model, MLflow’s UI can be accessed to see run details. This can be accessed via browser at: mlflow-test.mltf.k8s.accre.vanderbilt.edu You will need to use your ACCRE credentials to access the UI.
Upon selecting the approprate run from the list, the UI menu on the left allows the user to see model parameters, plot metrics, and export code to make predctions and reproduce runs.
Simple Training Example
A simple example that makes use of MLflow’s autolog()
funcionality to save/track model files, parameters, and metrics can be seen below. Here we make use of the Scikit-learn library to train a random forrest regressor.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
#Simple scikit-learn random forrest regressor, with MLflow autolog capabilities.
#This will track and save the model, paramters, metrics, and data on the MLflow server
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
import mlflow
# Load dataset
db = load_diabetes()
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(db.data, db.target)
# Create and train models.
rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_depth=6, max_features=3)
rf.fit(X_train, y_train)
# Use the model to make predictions on the test dataset.
predictions = rf.predict(X_test)
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